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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1810141L17 00+30.019 392 28 W+30.020 40Sep 23 1911.695 .837 .532
1810142L21 00+60.020 430 17 E+60.021 43Sep 23 1911.882 .577
1810143L23 00+30.021 451 14 E+30.022 45Sep 23 1911.925 .620
1810144L0 000.023 011 00 E0.00 05Sep 23 1911.979 .674
1810145L0 00+90.00 060 06 W+90.01 06Sep 23 1911.692 .025 .717 x10145 Too cloudy to continue