Viewing page 18 of 109

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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3610174L18 00+60.020 362 37 W+60.021 36Oct 07 1911.657 .877 .534
3610175L21 000.021 380 38 W0.022 38Oct 07 1911.720 .577 AI 10175 Time Started 21 38. Time Stopped 21 38. Should not Time Stopped be 22 38? 22 38 is correct. E.T.K.
3610176L21 00+60.022 421 42 W+60.023 42Oct 07 1911.964 .654 .621
3610177L23 00+30.023 450 45 W+30.00 57Oct 07 1911.015 .669
3610178L5 00+30.00 584 02 E+30.02 00Oct 07 1911.062 .716
3610179L0 00+60.02 012 01 W+60.03 01Oct 07 1911.105 .759
3610180L4 000.03 020 58 E0.04 02Oct 07 1911.147 .801
3610181L7 00+30.04 033 57 E+30.05 03Oct 07 1911.189 .843
3610182L6 000.05 040 56 E0.06 04Oct 07 1911.231 .885