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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4010184L16 000.019 483 48 W0.020 48Oct 09 1911.651 .844 .495
4010185M20 500 41 W+39.121 00Oct 09 1911.869 .520 x 10185 Experimental plate.
4010185M21 020 54 W+40.021 12Oct 09 1911.877 .528 x 10185 Second exposure. 1st lens unscrewed 1/4 revolution.
4010185M21 131 04 W+41.021 23Oct 09 1911.885 .536 x 10185 3rd exposure. 1st lens unscrewed 1/2 revolution.
4010185M21 241 16 W+42.021 34Oct 09 1911.893 .544 x 10185 4th exposure. 1st lens unscrewed 3/4 revolution. AI Last Exp. Observer? Observer E.K.
4010186L21 00+30.021 370 37 W+30.022 37Oct 09 1911.919 .570
4010187L0 000.022 381 26 E0.023 39Oct 09 1911.961 .612
4010188L3 00+60.023 413 20 E+60.01 08Oct 09 1911.649 .017 .666
4010189L23 00+30.01 092 09 W+30.02 10Oct 09 1911.069 .718 x 10189 Dried lens with hand lamp.
4010190L0 00+90.02 122 12 W+90.03 12Oct 09 1911.112 .761 x 10190 Dried lens with hand lamp.
4010191L0 00+60.03 143 14 W+60.04 14Oct 09 1911.155 .804 x 10191 Dried lens with hand lamp.
4010192L6 000.04 201 40 E0.05 20Oct 09 1911.201 .850 x 10192 Dried lens with hand lamp.
4010193L9 00+60.05 283 32 E+60.06 28Oct 09 1911.248 .897