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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4210194L17 00+30.020 413 41 W+30.021 45Oct 10 1911.647 .882 .531
4210195L22 000.021 470 16 E0.022 47Oct 10 1911.926 .575
4210196L21 00+30.022 571 57 W+30.023 57Oct 10 1911.974 .623
4210197L0 000.00 000 000.01 05Oct 10 1911.022 .668
4210198L23 00+30.01 062 06 W+30.02 06Oct 10 1911.066 .712
4210199L0 00+60.02 212 21 W+60.03 21Oct 10 1911.118 .764
4210200L7 00+30.03 513 09 E+30.04 51Oct 10 1911.181 .827
4210201L9 00+60.05 153 45 E+60.06 15Oct 10 1911.239 .885