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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
4610205L18 000.020 542 52 W0.021 55Oct 13 1911.640 .889 .529
4610206L21 00+30.022 161 16 W+30.023 19Oct 13 1911.947 .589
4610207L1 00+30.023 230 37 E+30.00 23Oct 13 1911.992 .638 .632
4610208L3 00+30.00 322 28 E+30.01 32Oct 13 1911.043 .681
4610209L2 000.01 330 27 E0.02 33Oct 13 1911.085 .723
4610210L0 00+60.02 342 34 W+60.03 38Oct 13 1911.129 .767 x 10210 Back of this plate holder found slightly open.
4610211L1 00+30.03 392 39 W+30.04 39Oct 13 1911.172 .810
4610212L3 00+60.04 401 40 W+60.05 42Oct 13 1911.215 .853
4610213L0 00+90.05 435 43 W+90.06 43Oct 13 1911.258 .896