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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
210109L17 00+30.019 192 16 W+30.020 22Sep 12 1911.725 .424 .549
210110L20 000.020 240 18 W0.021 22Sep 12 1911.868 .593
210111L21 00+30.021 240 20 W+30.022 27Sep 12 1911.911 .636
210112L+90.022 360 00+90.023 46Sep 12 1911.963 .688
210113L21 00+60.00 003 00 W+60.01 08Sep 12 1911.722 .024 .746
210114L23 00+30.01 092 09 W+30.01 47Sep 12 1911.061 .783 x 10114 Stopped by clouds. Too cloudy to continue.