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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
10410367L18 00+60.022 294 29 W+60.023 29Dec 07 1911.490 .955 .445
10410368L0 00+90.023 300 30 E+90.00 46Dec 07 1911.487 .006 .493
10410369L21 00+60.00 473 47 W+60.01 50Dec 07 1911.054 .541
10410370L23 00+30.01 512 51 W+30.03 01Dec 07 1911.101 .588
10410371L0 00+60.03 023 02 W+60.04 02Dec 07 1911.147 .634
10410372L1 00+30.04 033 03 W+30.05 14Dec 07 1911.193 .680
10410373L3 00+30.05 152 15 W+30.06 05Dec 07 1911.235 .722 Too Hazy to continue, in West. Bright moon light in East.