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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
11010377L21 00+30.023 212 21 W+30.00 44Dec 13 1911.472 .001 .473
11010378L21 00+60.00 453 45 W+60.01 49Dec 13 1911.053 .525
11010379L23 00+30.01 502 50 W+30.03 00Dec 13 1911.100 .572
11010380L0 00+60.03 013 01 W+60.04 13Dec 13 1911.150 .622 x 10380 This plate probably superposed on AC 12783.
11010381L1 00+30.04 143 14 W+30.05 17Dec 13 1911.197 .669
11010382L6 000.05 180 42 E0.06 18Dec 13 1911.241 .713
11010383L5 00+30.06 201 20 W+30.07 20Dec 13 1911.284 .756
11010384L7 00+30.07 210 21 W+30.08 21Dec 13 1911.326 .798
11010385L8 000.08 220 22 W0.09 22Dec 13 1911.368 .840
11010386L9 00+60.09 230 23 W+60.010 23Dec 13 1911.411 .883
11010387L9 00+30.010 241 24 W+30.011 24Dec 13 1911.453 .925
11010388L12 00+60.011 250 35 E+60.011 55Dec 13 1911.485 .957