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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
11610402L21 00+60.023 322 32 W+60.00 27Dec 20 1911.455 .997 .452
11610403L23 00+30.00 341 34 W+30.01 34Dec 20 1911.452 .044 .496
11610404L0 000.01 381 38 W0.02 26Dec 20 1911.084 .536
11610405L2 000.02 270 27 W0.03 27Dec 20 1911.123 .575
11610406L3 00+60.03 280 28 W+60.04 28Dec 20 1911.165 .617
11610407L4 000.04 290 29 W0.05 29Dec 20 1911.207 .659
11610408L6 000.05 300 30 E0.06 30Dec 20 1911.249 .701
11610409L7 00+30.06 310 29 E+30.07 31Dec 20 1911.292 .744
11610410L5 00+30.07 322 32 W+30.08 32Dec 20 1911.334 .786
11610411L6 00+60.08 332 30 W+60.09 33Dec 20 1911.376 .828
11610412L9 00+30.09 340 34 W+30.010 34Dec 20 1911.418 .870
11610413L12 00+60.010 351 25 E+60.011 35Dec 20 1911.461 .913