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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
12210423L6 000.06 500 50 W0.08 04Dec 25 1911.439 .310 .749
12210424L8 000.08 050 05 W0.09 05Dec 25 1911.357 .796
12210425L9 00+30.09 060 06 W+30.010 06Dec 25 1911.399 .838
12210426L10 000.010 070 07 W0.011 07Dec 25 1911.441 .880
12210427L12 000.011 080 52 E0.012 09Dec 25 1911.483 .922 AI 10427 Exp. Only 1m. Should not Time Stopped be 12 09? AI 10428 Should not Time Started be 12 10? Note answered Ba.
12210428L12 00+60.012 000 10 W+60.012 48Dec 25 1911.519 .958 x 10428 Clouding up suddenly.