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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
12810444L21 00+60.00 043 04 W+60.01 29Dec 29 1911.428 .032 .460
12810445L0 00+90.01 301 30 W+90.02 36Dec 29 1911.085 .513
12810446L3 00+30.02 370 23 E+30.03 37Dec 29 1911.130 .558
12810447L0 00+60.03 383 38 W+60.04 40Dec 29 1911.172 .600
12810448L4 000.04 410 41 W0.05 41Dec 29 1911.215 .643
12810449L3 00+60.05 422 42 W+60.06 47Dec 29 1911.259 .687
12810450L6 000.06 480 48 W0.07 43Dec 29 1911.301 .729
12810451L5 00+30.07 442 44 W+30.08 44Dec 29 1911.342 .770
12810452L7 00+30.08 451 45 W+30.09 54Dec 29 1911.387 .815
12810453L9 00+30.09 550 55 W+30.011 18Dec 29 1911.440 .868
12810454L11 00+30.011 190 19 W+30.012 15Dec 29 1911.490 .918
12810455L13 00+30.012 160 44 E+30.013 00Dec 29 1911.525 .953