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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1010787L11 00+30.07 403 20 W+30.08 50Mar 25 1912.190 .343 .533
1010788L10 000.08 501 10 E0.09 19Mar 25 1912.377 .567 Too cloudy to continue at present.
1010789L13 00+30.013 060 06 W+30.014 06Mar 25 1912.440 .565 .755
1010790L14 000.014 070 07 W0.015 07Mar 25 1912.607 .797 x 10787 Set wrong by mistake.
1010791L15 00+30.015 080 08 W+30.016 14Mar 25 1912.652 .842
1010792L19 00+30.016 152 45 E+30.017 15Mar 25 1912.696 .886