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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
1610803L5 00+30.07 562 56 W+30.09 02Mar 30 1912.176 .353 .529
1610804L9 00+30.09 030 03 W+30.010 04Mar 30 1912.397 .573
1610805L9 00+60.010 051 05 W+60.011 07Mar 30 1912.440 .616
1610806L15 00+60.011 083 52 E+60.012 08Mar 30 1912.483 .659
1610807L13 00+30.012 090 51 E+30.013 07Mar 30 1912.525 .701
1610808L15 00+30.013 081 52 E+30.014 07Mar 30 1912.566 .742 x 10808 May have put wrong slide in this holder but not positive.
1610809L17 00+30.014 072 53 E+30.015 07Mar 30 1912.607 .783
1610810L16 000.015 070 53 E0.016 07Mar 30 1912.649 .825
1610811L18 00+60.016 071 53 E+60.017 26Mar 30 1912.697 .873 x 10811 Sky covered with a thick haze also at close of this exposure.