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PagePlateClassObjectR.A.DecStartObs H.A.Obs DecStopExpDateMiscellaneous
3010837L6 00+60.08 452 45 W+60.09 45Apr 10 1912.147 .384 .531
3010838L9 00+30.09 450 45 W+30.011 00Apr 10 1912.431 .578
3010839L11 00+30.011 010 01 W+30.011 32Apr 10 1912.408 .615
3010840L12 00+60.011 320 28 E+60.012 20Apr 10 1912.496 .643
3010841L12 000.012 200 20 W0.013 20Apr 10 1912.533 .680
3010842L13 00+30.013 200 20 W+30.014 37Apr 10 1912.580 .727
3010843L14 000.014 380 38 W0.015 42Apr 10 1912.630 .777
3010844L16 000.015 430 17 E0.016 48Apr 10 1912.675 .822
3010845L21 00+60.016 494 11 E+60.017 49Apr 10 1912.720 .867