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Ruth says he said horrible things about 
Carol on her way home.  I tell Carol to tell Ruth that Roy better be careful what he says.  Ruth is as much disgusted at her husband's viciousness as anybody Carol says. After sitting out on the porch a long time Carol assuring us that nothing should be thought against her for trying to be kind to a person who had been kind to her. I tell her I believe in her and trust her. Indeed what else is there to do, although I say that all the circumstances are quite enough to convince 
most people that something was amiss or wrong.  
However we have no bitter words at all. We 
stay indoors with the children who were sound asleep when I arrived and remained so.
Sunday July 22 Gloucester I find the spot that Carol has found very fine in every way. In the afternoon we take the children & walk to the ocean and sit on the wild Cape [[Anne's]] Coast on the high rocks. Carol takes offense at something I say and starts to return. I tell her the children want to stay by the ocean where it's cool but she declares she doesn't care and keeps on going so we are all forced to go to avoid a row.  After the children 
are asleep Carol persuades me to go down to the ocean again to watch the water under the 
beautiful moonlight. I tell her we should not 
leave the children, but she insists they're all 
right, for even if they wake up they couldn't get out as the door is fastened. I go with
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[[?]] [[?]]
[[?]] of Me
By Fr[[?]] and B
John [[?]]
her but worry until we're back. Luckily we find the children still asleep.
[[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]] Monday 22 July  frightfully hot even 
on the Gloucester moors. Go down to the big barn early for water. Find a man under 
the willows in the cool shadows painting on a 
big canvas. Return with Carol's milk boy and 
water boy. The grass is high and soaking 
with dew but the air is already hot. Stay in and near the house except for picking blueberries with Jerome & Teresa all day  Carol going down for mail.
Tuesday 23 July  still very hot spend day about as yesterday Carol going for mail and the rest of us picking berries.
Wednesday 24 July still hot but sky lowery. Stay in again to let Carol go down to Ruth's
Thursday 25 July go down with [[Haw?]] there Im to visit Miss Oliver - Miss O

Transcription Notes:
No need to put extra space between sentences or paragraphs. Just takes up storage in database as useless characters. Removed these.