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studied with Hale Paxton & Bosley.  Sort
of looks down on Hale & Bosley.  Miss N is
now under Grafly & "adores" her bursts of
Sartlett Paxton & Doveneck  Miss Nelson
is very English & a little affectedy so.  
Looks Irish too & I think as Carol says
her mother told her of Mr Nelson MP being
on [[strikethrough]] up [[/strikethrough]] unpopular side of British politics that they may be descended from the Irish patriot Neilson.  Miss Shielaws portrait is clever  colored sort of [[?]] & Martha Wallerish.  Miss S says people
put Sargent portraits in attic  they are
so poor likenesses.  I tell [[Miss?]] N that Raymond Nelson (now in the war) does a better charcoal head than Sargent.  She tries to give the better of it to Sargent by bringing out a reproduction of one of his English charcoal heads & I show her wherein it misses.  Miss Sholtay agreeing with me.  Val looking on much amused. while the younger Miss N looks on in silence.  She is a beautiful fair English type like a lily.  Reminding me somewhat of Carol's sister Lily and Miss Keefe at Vose's.  Miss N says her father owns a beautiful drawing by Augustus John  Thinks she does not know Marie Apel.  Likes Boston.  Reminds me ever so slightly of Marie

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Apel.  Slightly built like Marie and dark but her very pale complexion makes her seem Irish.  She speaks of [[Orpen?]].  Says Doveneck is coming later.  Monday I went in to Boston to see the newspapers.  Kronberg giving me a letter to Mg. Edda Tarberg of the Post.  Find Nordell with Rionberg  N a weak creature simpering and silly appearing.  Kronberg apologizes for her letter to Townsend in the winter about my Sargent article  K says Sargent has gone back to Europe to look after his sisters, says Sargent lost a niece in Paris from air bomb explosion.  Says Sargent is a big fine chap and he wrote to defend him [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] against me because he thought my criticism was personal.  Says Sargent is working at his Museum panels in a big studio in Boston.  Says Sargent bought a picture by Hecht after I mention how good Hechts portrait of R was in the Spring academy.

Thursday 8 August  Stop into gallery on the [[?]] to see the little pictures given for the French artists injured in the war and bring a print of my wood cut of Gen. Pershing.  "Black Jack".  Find Mrs Atwood there with Miss Horne and Mrs Seaton Schmidt.  They are delighted to get my cut and Atwood himself hangs