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it up.  Mrs Horne places it later over near a sketch by Kronberg on the wall which has an important figure picture by Hawthorne in the middle.  Hopkinson sends two watercolors while I'm there and Randall [[?]] a watercolor.  Miss S says Snell & [[Lerrs?]] & Sloan decided they didn't care to donate anything.  Atwood asks me again to send to the big show next week.  PM stop at the studio on the neck to get frame for my portrait of Mrs. [[?]].
Friday 9 August feeling desperate  entirely out of funds  only a few cents. left and must pay cash for food for children  stop at Miss Olivers  find Mr Emerton there  Miss O comes & asks if I'll do the show for the "Transcript" as Miss Seaton says she cant find time.  Miss O gave me a list of painters and by just then in comes Miss Bernstein.  Miss Oliver leaves us to write her article for the "Advertiser" & Miss B says "Whats the matter you look worried.?"  I tell her I've had enough to worry me.  She says "Oh But you mustn't worry there's no need of it at all.  Don't do it.  Everything'll be all right."
  I tell her of my fathers death and she 

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speaks of her father with greatest affection as well she may.  Says she doesn't know what she'd do if the ever lost her father.  Says she'll subscribe to my Copley. and says she'll pay me now.  This is a God send.  All the time its raining pitch forks but T says she'd like to go to the Gallery if I'm going so after a time we start.  lock Miss Olivers door and stand under the porch while the rain keeps pitching down.  After a while I say we'd better go in the studio again.  Found the window open and step in.  Theresa? says if we're found coming out of the studio together there'll be a scandal of gossip but she says "I don't care if there is".  Pretty soon we step through the window again. & pass down past the harbor view.  [[strikethrough]] Ms [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] I just mention how nice if Twachtman were still alive and at his old hotel when we see Dick Brooks & Norbell standing on the verandah.  [[?]] poor Dick.  Norbell tried to say in Kronbergs [[?]] that Brooks was now the Boston Sculptor. I laughed. & Kronberg laughs.  I said Ketson was doing the stuff for Boston from New York.  Kronberg says he thinks Ks wife Alice Ruggles finally had to get rid of Kitson.  Norbell says Brooks had done a Wm Man's Hunt ho ho: I tell [[?]] about Kitsons & Kronberg thinks he's seen it.  Meet them Home at Theresas & all go to gallery together.  T gets a sketch of hers at the Atwood house and we go over to the gallery. & hang it up.  She manages to get it pretty well in centre of wall.  Mrs. Seaton Schmidt talks of Rodin  says her knowing him well spoiled her for American sculpting. says