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Thursday 16 Aug continued Moor Ex. Go in with Val & see my "Widow" way down on the farther left corner side of Jane Petersons daubs.  As Jane was mogul in hanging she can go to hell.  I tell Val I'll probably remove my picture and [[?]] will I damn silently for a while as there is a crowd and my polite instincts are in command but I [[?]] the breaking point  I tell Val if he stays long enough we may see some excitement. Tupper of McConagher "Times" comes around and I blow him up & tell him he has chance of life time to make a sensational story for his paper.  McC Chigs brings around Mrs. Clarence Custes in blue who talks of her life in Paris to [[?]] this night.  Mrs. Kress comes over in a big hat & tells about L going off to a tennis game  poor Lesser   some pose.  Sloan shows up wih his wife in a [[dafler?]] going about with Beruston for a time stands near by and glances at me evidently

[[along left margin is a sketch of a landscape with trees and houses and a road]]

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waiting for me to speak to him.  Finally he says "How do you do Mr. Britton?"  I tell him I like his landscape but howl about his hanging and tell Bernstein shes badly hung too.  But Sloan says "But you as do something last year that made some sort of fire of the gallery didn't you  I bring him down to see my picture  He looks a a bit nearby and agrees it should not be hung where it is.  He goes back to centre & says it ought to balance Randell Darsys "Asban girl and as Atwood comes over Sloan tells him so  Then he says "or it could balance Miss Beaux's"  Then he goes over and measures the space & says its the same width as the Alice Shille [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] what there.  Atwood shakes his head & is unwilling to make a change now.  Pretty soon Atwood shoos everybody out as its six oclock   Mrs. Atwood calls to me & tells me to take my time, but I'd had enough.  Debate all evening whether or not to take out my "Widow"  Miss Horne passes and says "I should think about it."  So I let it go to see how I feel in the morning

Friday 16 Aug  Decide to go to gallery & remove my picture  Go down through the