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are difficult to get.  No picture as magnificent  especially the figure of Lord Lyndhurst as the knight  one of the handsomest portraits of a man ever painted.  The armour also is magnificent  the carriage  the treatment of the plumed helmet the profile face and the whole lighting. The fashion of the women makes it recall Laurence & Romney but the composition is perfect.
[[image:  Rectangle with three figures sketched inside.  To the left perhaps a man, presumably Lord Lyndhurst, in robe with a hat.  Appears to be two figures walking together to the right, long robes/dresses and no features]]
Great thing.  I enthuse over it as Dan Nolan comes in and says "Sargent has made me."  I say "how so"  He says "he's painted my portrait, and its great, one of the finest heads he ever did, he says to 
himself.  You know I told you he was going to do it."  I ask him where it is  Dan says Its not here now but if you're in town tomorrow I'll show it to you.  Its going to Worcester.

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Go over to Eirld and find Mrs Waitt packing up, but when I tell her who I am she unlocks the door and says stay as long as you like.  Then walks around with me.  Says she remembers my "Widow" very well and laughs and says she thinks its great that I had the courage to remove it from Attwoods show.  Poor Mrs W her paper the Journal was absorbed by the Herald [[strikethrough]] & her [[/strikethrough]] & she lost her art column  Then her husband deserted her.  Her mother died and she says now she cant paint or do anything but work for a living tending the Guild.  At Barkleys I see magnificent photo of the Coply pastel Peter Chardon. that I must have for my book.
Tuesday 20 Aug.  See Randall Davey over at his [[strikethrough]] sh[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] new studio under Val.  All day over to my studio getting ready for show.
Wednesday 21 Aug  Meet Randall Davey & Auerbach Levy over at Vals  Davey says he told Sloan I took my picture out of the show & Sloan was tickled to