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Bernstein's being now in Boston - at Voses I should have painted a portrait of Ryder to have hung in the fine Exhibition now here.  [[Classaus?]] portrait of Fuller is the merest rubbish.  Also I must paint to fine completion the little portrait of Joan Hooker as she appeared in 1902 over my own portraits (small) painted on a small canvass head only & with landscape bg. Remember now do it the little portrait of Joan Hooker.  The little one I painted of her from life in her studio in Hartford long ago disappeared.  She was at work in her painting apron & I showed her in profile small and 3/4 of the figure sitting at her easel Mr. Fuller [[was?]] very fine in tone very fine.  Must write "Art News" about Malden collection and mention the Ryder sales and the prospectus Hunt show.  Fuller heads are fine & the Ryder "Tryst" is [[grupatahren?]].  Young Mr Thompson RCVS nephew has just told me here sitting beside me in the gallery that he has bought the little Ryder "Cecelia & Rosalind."  Says he has it for sale, though.  Col. [[Wood?]] & Wm McLadd? of west coast Cal. own Ryders & Mr T says likely to sell to museums Perhaps Townsend should reproduce [[the?]] "Rosalind" [[(1 only)?]]

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[[Pencil profile sketch of man seated wearing coat and hat, glasses and mustache]]
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