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New York trolly N. Haven to Bridgeport 30 
             Tr. Bridgeport to Norwalk 18 
                  Norwalk to Fairfield 24
           Tr Stamford to New Rochelle 20
                New Rochelle to 180 St 15
                        Subway          5
Monday 7 Oct at New Haven rain early in morn but clears near noon when I [[/strikethrough]] return [[/strikethrough]] leave for New York.  Ern better this morn after a good rest and has played his church services.  Nan stays as I go and mother is still abed with her cold.  Lily is better this morn with her influenza but her cold on the chest is still needing attention.  Ern a very kind as I leave and thanks me for helping him with the fires and mother ways.  Find a big monster band of Marines parading in New Haven Centre for Liberty Loan.  Off by Trolley to New York [[strikethrough]] as [[strikethrough]] leave 11.30 arrive Bridport 1:30 trip to Norwalk is 1 hour 20 min. Nor to Stamford 1.05 minutes
Stamford New Rochelle 1h.50min.
get to New Rochelle 6 PM. get 6:06 
Westchester then subway to Grand Central arrive at 7. Lunch then subway then to Naus - no one in. Retns.  Nan comes later. 

Tuesday 8 Oct. help Nan straighten

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out her room which is papered.  Leave at noon after lunch with her.  Subway to NY. then up to Montross.  Mr M. comes in to gallery after me and goes back for a clearer catalog and a pad.  Pretty soon in comes Hayley Lever & says he saw Davey just before they left Gloucester - and D was very calm about the influenza but a few days later Lever says, "There was Davey on topic of his 'oil can' (automobile) with a load of canvasses hell bent for New York.  He was scared then all right."  Lever babbles about the new stuff at Montross.  I tell him DuBois landscape is the best thing in the show.  He laughs.  Goes over to Sloan's Gloucester hillside rock and cons blue rock and says "3 years ago I painted up there and there was not an artist near the place, now they're as thick as bees."  'Yes' I say. That willow grove gets 'em.  Montross beams as I say "Lever did some Turnersque water colors this summer & M says "Oh no, Leveresque"  Lever says "Turner" I say "Yes Turner