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thats saying something" "I know" says Lever.  L doesn't like Max [[strikethrough]] Kes' [[/strikethrough]] Kuehne's two Gloucester pictures here one of the Neck?  but sits down with us in the other room to admire Alden Weir's "Hunter in the Woods".  Lever introduces a tall Germanesque chap with a big voice name Grim.  Stop to see Bellow's gory war picture in Scott & Fowles window.  Clever thing meant to be gruesome but arrives at being funny.  Clever thing yes & the same with the dark purple blood.  Douglas Volk, Paul Dougherty, and Blashfield have things  also Tack.

[[insert from prior page]] and War is *like to be Slain*.  See then how art proceedeth.  Righteous fury, [[strikethrough]] justify [[/strikethrough]] most justified rage have op'd the wells of sympathy and the [[strikethrough]] paint pots[[/strikethrough]] buckets of paint.  Prize-winners flourish with increased assurance and rush in, with victory loaded brush, where masters fear to tread.  Such spilling of bloods, such heaving of seas, such strainings at grief, such playings at magesty  Such pomp, such misery, such heroics?  Such art as has risen!  What war could stand against it. JB

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[[start page]]


Wednesday 9 Oct New York stop at Art News find Mrs Lever has had Townsend sign a check for 9 on copy printed last month.  Mrs Lawrence comes in and says she's just spent $25 on war stamps on the street else she'd cash my check.  Gives me loan of dollar till next day.  Nan cashes check and I have [[then?]] her make out one of 3 to send Ern

Tuesday 10 Oct. receive bunch of letters forwarded from Hartford  Stop in Montross again.  Lunch in Thompsons & while there, who should walk in but Joe Kress.  Says he went over to Brooklyn to find me & has been hunting around since 6 oclock now 9. Says he will go to work for John Low at Higgins & Low on Monday.  Arranged to meet me tomorrow at [[Floset?]] Gall at 3.  Walk out now to Fifth Ave to see the Liberty Loan paintings in the windows. Down at [[Ranstlaar's?]] see Luk's Zecho Slovak snow pictures very good & Luks queer "Uncle Sam".  Knoedlers have a [[the big?]] [[Blashfeld?]] "Carry On"  poor thing.  SJ Woolf's field hospital is gruesome, [[Khu?]] says he can't look at it - has to turn away.  D Volk has one near Montross and Orlando Rouland has one near Macbeths of colored officers in uniforms standing.  HC [[Grisk?]] has a big one high up and Bellows in Scott & Forbes.  Paul Dougherty has one of the best things he's ever done in one of W & J Sloane's windows  a marine with sub periscope in foreground and sinking ship beyond - sky magnificent with rolling luminous yellowish clouds water dark and with big swell - fine thing, I believe the best marine of Dougherty's I've seen [[Gari?]]

Transcription Notes:
the second half of the first page is a continuation of his d raft article on "How Art Killed the War" begun a page or so back.