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to the etcher Henry Megronowitz.  Find in Js studio five pictures by Amy Londoner which are very distinguished in color tone.   Mrs. Molowsky comes in and I ask her ^[[insert]] [[key?]] [[/insert]] if her [[strikethrough]] has [[/strikethrough]] husband has done any etching.  Says yes.  I mention our show & she says "He's up stairs now, why dont you go up to see him.  He's so discouraged."  Agree with [[T?]] to include [[Molowsky]], and to open at Mussmans Nov 12th.

Tuesday 29 Oct. over to Brooklyn again to Nans.  Thence to
Wednesday 30 Oct  Call on Higgins get his titles for "Eclectics" & Manhattan Painter Gravers"  Higgins tells amusing story of the man who bought his fine picture of the woman in white with poplars & dark house
Van Noppen Dutch author.  Higgins says he's now in the army in France a Captain and when Josephus Daniels Sec of Navy gave him the job he was "a regular bum" as Higgins says  didnt have a red cent  H says he went to see him on Long Island and spent a day sawing up wet wood heavy as iron to make boxes to store Van M s books.  "old edition in the big [[strikethrough]]th[[/strikethrough]] vellum covers which he carts

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around everywhere he goes.  He was right down to the limit when Daniels telegraphed from Washington.  But Van N. wouldnt go less he could take his wife too So she's over there too.  Higgins says "You ought to see him before he went away in his uniform big swell military man it was funny and a week before he was dead broke & helpless.   Higgins says "lets go [[strikethrough]] eat [[/strikethrough]] out and eat"  I say I have no money
"Ill lend you some" says  Higgins.  Here want five dollars."  So we went out to eat over on Sixth Ave having a couple of drinks too with corned beef.  Higgins says his show in Knoedlers is in Feb.  I stopped at [[Kraushaan?]] to see Scott Pyle's things  old man there says Pyle is of Pyle Pearloine family  multi millionares   The painter now in the army..  Higgins suggests the word Manhattan for our new Painter Gravers Society.  Leave him a 34th St he going back to paint.

Thursday 31 Oct stop at Art News find Mrs Lever is alone Townsend at press