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Friday 1 Nov stop at Marie Apels and in comes Philip Wood the actor in army uniform tells us he's just had pneumonia following the plague influenza & been in army hospital - Takes off his ^[[insert]] over [[/insert] coat and I see two little gold bars on shoulder.  He says 2nd lieutenant.  Looks fine spite of sickness tall straight fine lines.  Legs fine in boots.  I tell him I'll paint him full length.  Says its a go.  Off up to Art News.  Paper out.  At noon call on Teresa Bernstein & Molarsky who says he'll do a monotype can't etch has no press -- discouraged but takes a dig at Anisfeld & wants to discuss him.  Asks me to lunch downstairs with them but I decline.  Says he wants to subscribe to "Art News."  Good clever efficient painter not too individual.  At Art News Dr. Brinton comes in for a paper.  Mrs Lever asks me to come in to see him.  Dr B says Anisfeld asked him to convey his warmest thanks for my article on his work "the best thing that has been done"  Dr B adds his own commendation with enthusiasm and says the museum people are very

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much delighted with it.  Mrs Lever asks Dr B if he knows my pictures.  He says he doesn't as he doesn't find time to see the shows but "if you paint as well as you write why I'd like the privilege of writing about your work myself".  I tell him what Brandegee used to say about my being the most promising painter in America and he says to Mrs Lever, "Well it looks as though we better do a little missionary work around here."  Very snappy little man says he'd be pleased to have me lunch with him at the "Players" and will find time to sit next week.  Bows profoundly as he retires smiling little man.  Later Bourdoin comes in & says something about Townsend not agreeing in his editorial with my new J Anisfeld.  I have to howl at Bourdoin for thus misinterpreting Townsend's editorial and have to damn the stupid painters that