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Every where came the bright groups of pretty girls.  Pictures of Pershing Foch and Wilson began to appear on the hats and Song cards with strips of allied flags printed in colors - Newspapers with the block headlines
appear pinned to many breasts of women and men  Crude inscriptions scrawled on card boards and tacked to sticks were carried aloft most of them paying humorous tribute to the Kaisers fall.  As I stood on the platform of the Library stairway a small boy nearby said, "What is all this about anyway?"  Shortly after that Ambassador Gerard passed in the crowd.  As he looked directly at me I recognized him - His face was worried looking as usual  perhaps he was wondering why no one of the great New York crowd recognized him.  On he went mere one of democratic millions.  Drums began to be heard.  Whistles automobile explosions crickets horns  all added to the continuous din while under the 

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high building the rain of paper continued old bill torn up all office stationery and leaves of telephone directories. [[Doodle of what looks like a zeppelin or perhaps a man wearing a beret]]
The street was virtually carpeted. I walked to the corner of 42nd & Fifth Ave.  The procession entwined up and down all sorts of happy people stopping business for the day merely to be out and be happy - All the bases of the flag poles in front of the library were packed with standing gals and men and children.  At the corner a group of girls pressed close to pass me.  One very pale very pretty very young sixteen perhaps looked up at me with her big dark eyes.  She seemed Irish & her mouth was slightly opened as she looked questioningly at me to find my mood.  I believe I had been looking too glum for the minute I relaxed to smile under the influence of her beautiful face She lifted her head and shouted happily "Hurray!" Then she pressed past with her companions.  On on they came all kinds all sorts officers enlisted men sailors mingling with the clerks the working girls and