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Toward 6 I go round the corner of 40th St to Art News office.  Mrs Lever says Townsend came in rather flushed seemed to have had "one or two cocktails" as Mrs. Lever said  complained of its being too hot inside & went out again.  I put up a copy of the Mail with the big letters "Germany Surrenders."  Over at the restaurant after all the celebrating a chap said "The Globe says the news is a fake."  So people's ardor rather damped, though the racket kept up.  As I sat in Thompsons the crowd outside kept up the racket.  They could be seen through the big windows passing with their flags & gay colored trappings.  The big door swung around in in came a chap with liquor in him with flags in his hat & flags in his hands & he began to shout & reel into the place in very merry mood.  But a big floor walker grabbed him put him in the swinging doors & started to swing him out but our friend braced himself & shut himself in the cage while the floor walker braced himself to keep him there.  Everybody roared - The crowd outside yelled encouragement to the intruder while the manager posted a waiter at the door while he made off into the station for an officer.  Finally our friend of the Flags went off.

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Great day  restaurant jammed with people 42nd st a mass of bustling humanity.
Friday morning all the papers had a denial of signing of armistice, but all admitted Germany crumbling.


Monday  Find Mrs Lever not at Art News ill.  Townsend asks me to write Montross Mussman & Bourgeois   Meet Bourgeois who says he finds temper of business much better.  This morning Carol woke up early as the town was celebrating again, this time over actual signing of armistice, abdication of Kaiser & revolution in Germany.  Carol takes the kids out & they have a good time.

Tuesday 12 Nov. Up to Mussmans at noon  find T. Bernstein & her fiance Mr Megrowitz getting ready to hang the prints.  Pretty soon John Sloan comes in with a bundle under his arm.  Says to Bernstein - you asked me to bring

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