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Tuesday 26 Nov  Stop at Babcocks Gallery.  [[Q?]] says Teresa B has been in and left a little Gloucester which he likes.  Mention my big picture of Pershing and Babcock says "Got a frame?" & I say "No" He says "Well, I've got the frame" - 84 x 48 - There used to be a Sargent portrait in it."
"Good" says I "I'll go Sargent several better" So now the thing is to do it. Do it. [[Then?]] up and push it
These Americans

Wednesday 27 Nov Stop at Mussmans & got some money for my wood cut of Pershing. Eve on Broadway near Astor House at 10 PM meet Cadger of the Navy the chap Furyk painted in Hartford.  C anxious to take me to supper so we go to [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough] Drake's and talk an hour or so Expects now the war is over to get out
of the Navy & stay in New York.  Says OCallahan of "Courant" office was on his ship. Says he thinks Furyk is married. & has been for a long time. At 2:30 Cadger walks down Fifth Ave with me after I post a letter in the Grand Central & he puts up at

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the Clinton 8th St.  Says he'll call into Babcocks Saturday afternoon next week to see our show.

Thursday 28 Nov Thanksgiving.  In all day  Carol makes a fine dinner with chicken Teresa sent from W.  Eve up town 

Friday 29 Nov Stop to see Marie Apel & call up Christian Brinton who says he's doing some work for British Government & will be at liberty in about a week. Says "I've been talking about you with Dr Weitenkampf."
I tell Marie, who is to dine with Brinton tonight to see to it I get one of those portraits to do. Stop at Art News. Townsend apologizes for his folly of last Saturday & gives me check for this week.  I have been in
a nervous state because T. had cut down her space for her writing this week.  She says to him "I won't accept it. I will go." So T finally signs what she has made out.

Transcription Notes:
His ampersands look like the next-to-the-last image here (, but they *are* &, not +. Constant Furyk was a painter and known to Britton.--ThomasC