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. 1  Luks         0
. 2  Dickinson    %
. 3  Bianleger
. 4  Hale
. 5  Higgins
. 6  Beugtoria
. 7  J.B.
[[left margin]] arrow pointing up and a circle [[/left margin]]
 8   [[Prendergast?]]
 9   K. H. Miller
10   Frierske Du Bois  Davey
     Enffin ---- D
10   Weir

   W. S. Bowdoin [[casarried?]] Dec 24
   Shall know about Brinton. He asked him on phone Sat. to ask if he'd received my letter about the portraits & he said he had [[underlined]] not [[/underlined]].  So on Monday I posted another letter to him or rather I believe I posted it last Thursday.
Up to today New Years Jan 1  I have heard nothing from him.  Mrs. Lever told me last night that Townsend was much depressed that Qustgaard had not given him the $150 he had promised.  At Christmas he gave each of the committee $100 and yet Mrs. Lever [[strikethrough]] called up [[/strikethrough]] says he Townsend called up an artist and assured him that the committee were getting no money for their work.  The damned scoundrel.  She 

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says also that Townsend was again furious on seeing my second letter in Saturdays "Post." 
[[sketch left margin of profile of man in hat]]
on the Liberty Arch that that he said "Why does Mr. Britton not let us have those letters.  I don't like this.  He doesn't seem to take much interest in the paper."  Mrs. Lever laughs as she says this.  On this Tuesday nigh night the last of the year I stop at the "Art News" office about 6.30 find Mrs. Lever there Townsend gone to Phila to spend the old year out with his latest flame Mrs. Ashhurst.  Met Altman on the street just leaving who bade me happy New Year.  Mrs. Lever said she would go out & have some dinner as she was taking something to Mrs. Townsend.  She asked me when or where I was was dining  I told her hadn't any idea as I was broke.  On her return she came in with bundles and said, "Mr. Britton, I couldn't bear to think of you're having no dinner, so we'll have some right here.  Such a woman!  Such a beautiful heart  I had just walked down in the art[?] from 72nd St Hotel Majestic having no money to ride. Stopped at Teresa's and there met Meyerowitz and Miss Stein the Zuch girl whom Sloan painted.  She says Glackens painted the best portrait