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of her.  Sloan several.  Henri also.  I say not untill I do her will she be really painted.  "Really! she says. I'm very glad! When?"  She is very amusing  chubby face  strong figure in bonnet like a ship or an airplane  black velvet dress embroidered.  Maria says Sidney Dickinson came in for the cane he left yesterday when he went out with me to dinner.  Meyerowitz says he liked the "Eclectic" show very much and liked my picture [[/strikethrough]] as [[strikethrough/] very much  "Very fine thing" and I like your wood cuts also very fine, like old work very fine." Well to come back to Mrs. Lever she spread out her dinner for me and a bottle of claret chicken in glass jar rolls good.  Then tea.  She says she has not heard any more about the portraits.  Says that Townsend was very much disappointed at not getting the $150 from [[Quistgaad?]].  Says T says Mrs. Ashhurst wants to marry him if anything happens to Mrs. T.  So T was much downcast when Mrs T returned from visit to her daughter in Canada looking healthier than ever.  Heavens, what a creature!  I now feel more than ever like making the new paper  why should it not be J.B. president & editor Mrs. B Sinclair Lever sec. & treasurer.  Mrs. Lever agrees that Miss [[Menick's?]] ideas 

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would make it difficult to have her in as a partner.  I say if Miss [[Menick?]] brings in some thing like an adv. contract we can talk with her seriously if not ----.  Mrs. L after dining finishes up her work and I help her by dictating a review of [[Haskell?]] etchings while she types so she can have the space[?] in this week.  Had a long talk with Bourgeois on Monday.  He says it would cost $25000 to bring over any kind of a modern Ex. Says the insurance is immense cost.  Find B. in agreement with me on most scores.  B says he thinks there are half a dozen men in this country finer than Anisfeld but I can't agree.  He says "Steine" for one.  Shows some Steine drawings I say Yes but really they have a touch of the Academy.  He agrees.  Up at Theresa's I find Dickinson (Sidney) just back from Minneapolis where he taught the art school at the Museum.  Says if he stayed any longer would have gone crazy in the dead place.  So bolted for New York couldn't stand it Says he met Rob Vose out there and found him very fine just as we all do.  Says he became very cordial soon as he met him recalled my controversy over him with [[Edwin?]] in the Herald & says Vose says "I'm all right" but I'm "too good hearted"  Not a bad fault!  Well Dickinson talks on & on and there 

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