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him later at the Strand[?]. Go down to see Mrs. Lever, then back & find Higgins ill in theatre. Gets stuff at drug store & I leave him at his door on his assurance he'll be all right. Says the people in his building are good to him & will help him if he needs anything. I tell him I'll phone tomorrow Saturday. Yesterday check from Franklin Bush[?] for portrait of little Patricia. Higgins says he sent a picture to the "Magestic" Hotel ex. which Sloan got up & which had very little notice and his (H's) p was put in the corner in the dark while Bellows & Sloan had the centres of the walls with lights over their p's. Saturday PM Miss Mench[?] came in to Art news to say Knoedler says he'll advertise if we get out a paper. Have warm discussion with Mrs. Lever Miss M & Altman over [[Bernstein?]]. Miss M away off on it and a Repubican snob. Altman an admitted Bolshevik.

Art News Jan 21, 1911
Notes Colony Club loan show "2 Copley portraits lent by Mrs. Payne Whitney" - what what?

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