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show & he says he'll do it.  Says Hassam has made him agent for all his smaller pictures.  Rehn will take an ad in first issue  Stay a long time talking to him.  Tell him to get in touch with Mrs. Welch for Bunces.  Has a fine little one here $800.  Rehn tells me about the little Murphy he sold in a few hours after getting it. 

   The night I resigned I met Philip Hale in Grand Central Station on way from Phil to Boston.  Hale says he'll write for the newspaper.  Says "You've got Downes of the Transcript eating right out of your hand since you handed him that good one year or two ago.  You sure had him on that."  I tell Hale about the Nat portraits ([[Harvey?]]) and he says "You know I've done portraits myself."  I tell him no one had a chance with the com. except chaps who were friendly and patronizing.  Except Luks

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who got in on my urgent howl to Townsend about him. 

   Tuesday 11 Feb over to Brooklyn to shave call up T Bernstein who says she's married & going South for trip.   Says she'll send pictures to Bs for  24th Call up Miss Felcher and [[Moorell?]] [[folks?]] who says [[Diabmson?]] gone to funeral of uncle in Mass.  AM stop at Babcocks to see D. but B says hes not to come till tomorrow.  Babcock talks some rubbish [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] about our group [[strikethrough]] [[Six?]][[/strikethrough]] "Chicken painters" etc. great.  Enough to make a man drop all doings with him.  Good.  will go over to Mussmans.  Meet Miss Beau who is tall & willowy and happy over selling 10 ps.  Ms too.  Miss Beau says been very anxious to meet me.  Says she's in 15th St & 5th Av. bldg.  After she & her mother go I talk long time with Mrs. Mussman & R about the gallery.  They're not really pleased with way Miss Beau things are going  want another show     I say Griffen pastels.  They say amen.

   Wednesday 12 Feb holiday Lincoln day call up Miss Merrick  & call on her to arrange business with her about paper.  She screams with laughter when I tell our paper will drive T. to the sea