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and reach the hall looking for it.  Studio not very big but fine  high up  11th story overlooks the city north.  Murphy says he has been there 30 years.  Shows me a German officers helmet which has bullet hole and musket butt dent in it.  Spike also banged down or jammed in.  Murphy says a friend of his took it off a dead officer on the battlefield.  Eloquent trophy surely.  Well I take up a sliver in my shoe as I sit down Murphy looks down  "Ha, got a hole in your shoe.  That's it - poverty  I know all about it.  Sit down and be comfortable.  I'm only a little while when in rushes Roy Ireland dealer  young man big nose dark moustache, great enthusiasm  Just over from the A.A.A.  Says "Everybodys there."  Murphy says "That's what Britton says".  Then Ireland commences to rave.  Great thing for Am. art etc.  Raves about the Murphys there.  Sees a green M on easel.  Says "Let me have that one won't you Murph..." Gets more & more excited  rushes over to it & whips out a check book and a pen  Let me have it Murph.  Here you are pay you right away."  Murphy sits tight.  Says

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   "Sit down my boy don't get excited. I'll put it away for you.  Roland Knoedler's coming over for one tomorrow after mass But I'll put this away for you."  I ask Ireland if he can sell a Bunce.  Hesitates.  I ask about Eakins.  He says he can sell Eakins.  Says he bought an old duty port of Chase by Eakins at an old place for 10 and sold it the very same day for $500.  Says an old lady let him hang up one of her portraits by Eakins but refused to sell.  Ireland crazy about Eakins "Clinic".  Raves over the Cardinal Falconio.  I tell him & Murphy what Weir said to Snell about T Eakins.  Murphy says "Well I don't know but that's about right isn't it."  Murphy points to a bust of him by Scarpitta.  He likes it. I look at it. "Tis good" I say "but it's a bit Italian."   "You're right" says M. "I never thought about that but you're right."  Says he'll sit for me.  Talks about the Paris show of Americans 100.  Says he'll not send.  I tell him the French would like his stuff as it doesn't echo them  has a personal & new note.  He agrees with me that most of our Am stuff echoes the French.  Says why should I send over there while