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   making a great place of Hartford, but that he hadn't enough behind him.  He wouldn't stand with the boys he taught when he should have.  D said "He double crossed everytime & Griff says "Aye."  Griff tells how Ryder gave Bunce a picture, how B took it down to have Ryder fix it.  How Ryder said all right - and 3 yrs later Bunce took Griff in to Ryders to get it.  & Ryder brought out another one as Bs & B remonstrated.  R told him hed fix it up and let B have it.  B never went in for it.  Griff says he thinks Ryder did this because he thinks Bunce never gave Ryder the exchange.  Any way Griff later saw the first Bunce Ryder on MacBeth's wall in the gallery. 

   Wednesday      Getting ready my pictures for the show  up all night at Dickinsons varnishing my port. of John C. & Marie Apel  decide not to use Marie.

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Saturday 1 Mar.  hang exhibition of Expressionists  Dickinson too ill to come down.  Call up Higgins who comes over to help.  Have some words with Babcock's man Friday over my port of John which they don't want to hang on acct of frame.
  Noon out with Higgins for some lunch. Then up to see Dickinson who gets up when I tell him his Emma is not hung  gets Bab on wire & says if that & my soldier are not hung all his stuff comes.  D says to B "That's final Mr. Babcock either Brittons soldier goes up or all my stuff comes down."  D gets quite excited.  I take the phone & tell Babcock theres no trouble at all.  Whole matter calming down.  Go down again find Miss Merrick who is writing the show for "Spin."  Bab & Friday hog the side room all the time I'm there.  I have a little talk with McIntyre & then go   My port not up nor Ds.   Sunday over to Brooklyn call up D who is better.