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I tell them how Townsend pursued Coffin after he died.  Miss F. says she's heard enough about T to make her loathe him.  Dickinson wants to go out to get Sunday papers but doesn't dare on account of his cold.

      Story of an English Sister
           Ethel Romanes
The little nun to be writes her mother from Oxford
Apr. 1901  "Joachim is coming on Wednesday in quartets.  We are to hear one of Mozart, one of Haydn and one of Beethoven--scrumptious!!"

Sunday Mar [[superscript]] C [[/superscript]] 9.  over to Brooklyn  Find Mary Fox there with Nan.  Get 2 from Dr H. over to NY.

Monday 10 Mar. Stop at Knoedlers to see Gerrity & find Roland Knoedler with him  G tells K about the paper & K
says Henshel has adv in hand  I tell him Ive had 5 years of Townsend and cant stand any more.  Roland says when
I speak of the way T has shut them off "You know why don't you"  I say I do and tell him it makes more talk than if he mentioned the house.  Gerrity finally gets Henshel 
who wants a letter written about it.  Good.  Gerrity comes back and asks me how its going & invites me to write at one of the desks at the foyer  Charlee Knoedler comes over and asks me

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[[image: a sketch of a female face, looking to the right]]

to sign the visitors register.  He then sits down & looks over my hand writing  "You don't close your B do you ?  he says and dwells on the fact.  Then he gets to telling how he used to belong to the old 7th Regiment that's just back from the war all shot to pieces. Charlie damns the English
in no small terms and damns Hearst too.  Drop into Art Alliance find Miss Levy has it in charge.  Stop at Babcocks.  B hasn't seen the "Herald" but DeLisio says great crowd was in Saturday after review in "Times".  Says Miss Beaux was in and liked the show.  While she stood in the gallery two women were looking around  One says "I wonder where the portrait of Miss Beaux is.  O, it must be this old lady over there."  DeLisio tells this with his eyes wide open and his most 

Transcription Notes:
Googled the book name