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Expects to go up.  Eliot Clark says he thinks the newspaper good idea and thanks me for my [[good?]] notice of his "[[strikethrough]] finding [[/strikethrough]] Sea Tragedy" at the Allied Artists.  "Damn it it is evident this man has more than common stuff  Must get him to launch out asks me to call again at studio and is very enthusiastic when I suggest a charcoal head.  Meet Geo Nelson who mentions his wife's "Globe" review of our "Expressionists"  Du Bois comes in.  I introduce him to Nelson.  Du Bois jokes about the new group and seems pleased when I tell Nelson about his fine landsc (B [[superscript]] s [[superscript]]) at Montross  Du Bois says "Why don't you have your pictures up when you give an Exhibition.  I go around and wait to see them and then they arrive [[strikethrough]] late [[/strikethrough]] after I'm gone.  Geo Elmer Browne comes over and agrees with me there are too many McC. H [[superscript]]s[[superscript]] drawings at the Knoedler show.  Asks me if I've seen the Griffin [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] here at Academy.  Find it less good than Knoedlers one.  Go in and sit in Vanderbilt Gallery  Groll with a lady nearby.  Granville Smith comes over and sits down.  Says to Molanski after the [[show?]] then that he & Murphy remarked M[[superscript]]s[[superscript]] portrait of his mother & Murphy mentioned the fine handling of blacks.  Molanskys wife comes over & I tell them about Teresa Bernstein being left out of Expressionist show.  Molansky says he nearly got the prize at Phil

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Art Club that Mrs. Hale got.  Granville Smith agrees with me its best to get the paper out without hurry.  Nisbet comes over and sits down.  Says he's at So [[Kent?]] still and [[minute?]] I mention [[strikethrough]] subscription [[/strikethrough]] paper. Nisbet says "put me down for subsc"  N says he comes to NY every other week or so and when I mention charcoal head he says "I want you to do it very much.  Let me know when" [[Rungius?]] comes over to shake hands and then Lever who says he saw my portrait of Dickinson.  See Potts slinking into gallery but don't see him again - strangely enough minute I leave building with Lever I see Charles Etherington passing by.  As I talk to Eliot Clark, Richard Kimbal passes, smiles and points into Vanderbilt Gall, but don't see him again.  Giles comes over while I'm sitting with Granville Smith & says "You never come to seee [[sic]] me"  I say no you're busy  "But you aren't coming" he says - "Yes but I'd like to drop in informally some day"  I mention his portrait by Kroll about which I said to Molansky "If you were the painter of that I'd take you over [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] & introduce you to the subject & see if you'd recognize him."  Smith laughs heartily at this says "That's one of the best I've heard.  I must tell Giles."  I say "Why did he