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What's the matter with Bellows stuff.  I say it isn't himself.  He's a fine chap but the pictures are not like him.  All agree Bellows  himself shows up at the doorway with his big overcoat still on.  Miss Merrick says she's just left him after listening to him talk for two hours in one of the private rooms here. When Brinton goes I walk out to 6th Av with Miss Merrick.  Call for Dickinson and we make a night of it drinking till 1 AM. 

Thursday Ap 3  over to Brooklyn.  Pay Nan my bill on the tel. call.  John's portrait returned John getting it in his U.S.A. auto from Babcocks & Dugan hangs it up.  Stop at the Waldorf to see the Independents again.  Meet Henry Lanier in there & Sloan.  Give Sloane a good Cuban cigarette and he suggests we go inside & have a smoke.  Find young [[Baylinson?]] and Walter Pach within & a chap named [[Raler?]] rather interesting.  Sloane talks a good deal and I have to put some law down to him.  When I stand to go he picks up his coat too.  We go out to see Miss [[Baylinson?]] for photos.  I get one of Sloane & Czech girl.  Miss [[Baylinson?]] very dark rich pretty and agreeable.  a joy.  I tell Sloane she should be painted.  Also tell Sloan & the others just how Henris portrait of Sloan misses fine - I tell Sloan I'll paint him.  He says 

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"Go ahead"  I say "2 hours".  He says "I'll give you 3 times 2 hours if you want it."  We go down stairs Waldorf lobbies full of poseurs.  Sloan suggests a drink & go into the Grill.  Sloan says "You can get a glass of whisky here for $35 that's two drinks.  You pour out twice as much as they give you anywhere else for 25.  We go in.  I have a claret.  S takes whiskey.  S says Bellows is said to have made $12000 painting last month.  I tell him whats the matter with Bellows.  Sloane upstairs had been [[guilty?]] of this.  "George Luks is all right but he never created anything, he is a logical follower of the tenets of painting.  Now I claim to have created something.  Luks never creating anything."  "But" I say he [[underline]] OBSERVES [[/underline]]!"  Sloan gets down a little after that but insists that the first Independent show held before the International was the real thing.  He & Henri & A B Davies did it.  Sloan says Ch. Fitzgerald in editorials on art in Eve Sun forced Academy to admit Henri & did a lot for that [[artist?]].  S paid his respects to the work of E Rosen through whom The American Ex in the Luxemburg came to be.  S 

Transcription Notes:
Here is a link to the Wiki article on Walter Pach: