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the joint resolve in relation to captain Decatur, officers and crew.
   The bill declaring the assent of Congress to the act of North Carolina; respecting lands in Tennessee, went through the committee of the whole, and was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading to morrow.
   The bill for the more effectual preservation of peace in the ports and harbors of the United States, and in the waters under their jurisdiction, went to the committee of the whole, Mr. Dawson in the chair.
Tuesday, November 27.
   Mr. Richards from the joint committee of inrolment, made a report that the joint resolution of the two houses in relation to Capt. Decatur, his officers, and crew was found upon examination to be correct.
   The engrossed bill declaring the assent of Congress to the act of North Carolina relating to lands in Tennessee, was read the third time passed and signed by Mr. Speaker.
   On motion of Mr. Nicholson the committee of the whole on the bill for preserving peace in the ports and harbours of the United States, and the waters within the jurisdiction was discharged, and the bill was recommitted to the committee that reported the same.
   The House proceeded to ballot for a Chaplain in the stead of the Rev. Mr. Bently resigned. On counting the votes and a majority not being found in favor of any one candidate, the House went into a second ballot and the result was that the Rev. Mr. Parkinson was chosen having 64 votes.
   Mr. J. Randolph reported from the committee of ways and means, a bill making further appropriation for the contingent fund of the house for the current year, and a partial appropriation for the year 1805, which was read twice, went through a committee of the whole, and was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading to morrow.
   Mr. J. Lewis, from the committee on the Georgetown petition, praying to be authorised to erect a dam or causeway from Mason's island to the west side of the Potomac, reported a bill in conformity thereto, which was read a first and second time, and ordered to a committee of the whole to morrow, and that it be printed.
   Mr. J. Lewis also reported a bill to incorporate the Washington Building and Fire Company, which was twice read, and referred to a committee of the whole on Friday next, and ordered to be printed. 
   On Wednesday last, fortnight, was arrested and committed to prison in this town a person of the name of Michael Bitzer, for having wantonly and unprovokedly impeded the progress of the mail stage between Baltimore and Frederick town, by driving his waggon cross-ways the road, and stopping his team in a narrow place, which rendered it impossible for the stage to pass. The punishment of this man we hope will serve as a caution to waggoners in future to conduct themselves with more propriety. The penalty for the offence is a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. 
   BALTIMORE, Nov. 24
   Prince Jerome and his lady left this city on Thursday last, for Annapolis, where they embarked for France on board the frigate President of 44 guns, which we understand immediately weighed anchor and proceeded down the bay. The British frigate Revolutionaire of 44 guns, has arrived in Hampton Roads, and if the commander is disposed for sport, he may have an opportunity of trying the prowess of his tars.
   Copy of orders of the Prefect of Guadaloupe.
   "To all American Captains: 
Orders of the Prefect of Guadaloupe.
   "It is forbidden to all American captains, under the penalty of 200 dollars, to introduce into this colony any newspapers, gazettes or proclamations from any part of the world whatsoever; and if they have any on board, they may and must deposite them at the capt. of the port's office.
   "Done at Bassaterre, (G.) the 5th Vendemaire, 5th year of the French Republic.
   (Signed) G. Robert.
   "SENORA; Interpreter,"

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Friday, November 30.
Wheat, 9s-10s.
Flour, 52s6-55s6.
Tobacco, 24s-27s.
Corn, 18s - 20s.
Whiskey, 3 6 - 3s9.
Hemp, 481-501.

   Gen. Turreau, Grand officer of the Legion of Honour, appointed Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the Emperor of the French, to the U. States, was on the 23d inst. received in that character by the President.
   Gen. Terreau was accompanied by capt. Martain, his first aid-du camp.--We understand that Madam Turreau and family are daily expected, in a vessel that was to sail shortly after the General's departure, attended by Mr. Petry, first secretary, and Mr. De Cabre, second secretary of legation.
            Alex. Advertiser. 

   A letter, dated Tellico, oct. 25th, states that the day preceeding, the convention held at that place with the Cherokees had broken up; and that the Commissioners could only obtain a finall tract of land on the side of Georgia, that which is commonly called Woffords Settlement--Little doubt, however, is represented to be entertained of all the land asked for being obtained in the spring.
   In confirmation of the pacific disposition of the Tunisians, a gentleman informs, that by a letter dated the 28th Sept. mentions that an American vessel bound from Leghorn to Messina, was boarded on her passage by a Tunisian corsair, treated with civility and allowed to pass.--Chrou.

    The printing office of Mr. R. Davidson editor of the North Carolina Messenger, at Warrenton, was destroyed by fire on the morning of the 10th. inst. supposed by design. The loss is estimated at upwards of 2000 dollars.

   Where cattle are kept out in winter it is recommended as an useful practice to rub some tar at the root of the horns, which prevents the wet from getting between the root and the skin, and it is said contributes to preserve the health of the animal, and to keep it free from various diseases to which it may otherwise be liable. 

IN COUNCIL, NOV. 26, 1804.
     The Governor,
     Mr. M'Rae,     Mr. Stuart,
     Mr. Foushee,   Mr. Heath.
   THE Board proceeded to the examination of the returns made by the commissioners of the several counties within this commonwealth, appointed and commissioned in purance of the act passed 21st January, 1804 to amend an act, intituled 'an act to amend an act, intituled, an act for appointing Electors to choose a President and Vice President of the United States: and thereupon find the greatest number of votes throughout the state in favor of the 24 persons following:
Richard Evers Lee, of Norfolk Borough.
John Goodrich, Isle of Wight,
Edward Pegram, Dinwiddie.
Dr. Richard Field, Brunswick.
Thomas Reed, Charlotte.
Creed Taylor, Cumberland.
William H. [[illegible]], [[Amherst?]]
George Penn, Patrick.
George Wythe, City of Richmond.
John Taylor, Caroline.
Larkin Smith, King and Queen.
John Minor, Spotsylvania.

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William Ellzey, Loudoun.
William Dudley, Warwick.
Mann Page, Gloucester.
John Taliaferro, jr, King George.
Richard Brent, Prince William.
Hugh Holmes, Frederick.
James Daily, Hampshire.
James Allen, Shenandoah.
Archibald Stuart, Augusta.
James M'Farlane, Russell.
Gen. John Preston, Montgomery.
William M'Kinley, Ohio.
   Whole names are therefore thus accordingly advertised as directed by the first section of the said act, and pursuant to the 6th section of the act of Assembly passed on the 10th of October, 1792; the said Electors are hereby notified that the first Wednesday in December next at the Capitol, in the City of Richmond, is the time and place of their meeting,
            Daniel L. Hylton,
                  Clerk of the Council

   Has just Received for Sale,
Prime Sugars, in Hhds.
  and Barrels.
Holland Gin in Pipes and Barrels.
Cogniac Brandy in ditto,
London particular, Madeira Wine in pipe and quarter casks,
Malaga Raisins in Casks,
Antigua Rum, in Hhds and Barrels,
Black Pepper per the Bag,
An assortment of Humhums,
German Oznaburgs,
20 tons Bar Iron, well assorted,
Crowley's Steel and Nail Rods,
10 and 4d Nails, per the Cask, &c, &c.
          Fred'g, Nov 28, 1 04.

For Sale, or to be Rented.
My House and Lot,
In the town of Fredericksburg, now in the occupancy of Mr. Thomas Powell. Possession may be had the ensuing month. For terms apply to the subscriber, or Mr John Lewis, who is authorised to let it.
      Robert Lewis
November 28th, 1804.

Pursuant to a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, at a Court held in Richmond, 24th May, 1804. Will be Sold at Public venue, on the premises, for ready Cash on the 15th day of December next, for the purposes in said Decree set forth,
THE Houses and Lots, Belonging to the Estate of Josiah P. Adams, deceased, situated on the road leading from Stevensburg to Orange Court house, 13 miles from the former, and 8 from the latter. On which is a commodious 2 story House, and a kitchen, suitable for a Tavern or Store, there is also a mill [[seat?]] on the same, which may be improved to advantage,
     John Jameson,
     Berket Davenport,
     Alex : Dawney,
     John Stevens. [[these four names are typeset left of a bracket that denotes they are all "Comm'rs."]]
Nov. 28, 1804.

    Negroes for Sale.
On the Second Day of January, 1805, Will be Sold, at Public Sale, to the highest Bidder, on the Plantation of the late James Gordon, deceased, at [[Gerinann?]],
    About thirty Negroes, Consisting of Men, Women, Boys and Girls, being a part of the property of the said James Gordon, deceased: among these Salves are two excellent Blacksmiths.
The terms of the sale will be, twelve months credit. Bonds with approved security, to bear interest from the date if not punctually paid.
   All persons having claims against the Estate are requested to bring them in legally authenticated on or before the day of sale, otherwise this advertisement will be plead in bar: all those indebted to the Estate, are requested to make immediate payment, as longer indulgence cannot be granted.
    At the same time and place, the Crop of Corn & Fodder, On the plantation, will be sold on the same terms of Payment.
    John Gordon, Adm'r.
[[Germanna?]], Nov 26, 1804

For Sale
[[image-a house next to a river with lots of surrounding vegetation]] A Tract of LAND, lying on the waters of the Robinson river, in Madison county, about 8 miles from the Courthouse, containing 820 acres, being the tract on which I now live; about 250 acres, are cleared, the remainder well-timbered, and the whole well adapted for Corn, Wheat, or Tobacco-There is on the said tract, a very good Grist mill and Distillery;-about 100 acres of Meadow land, 60 of which is in Timothy. and equal to any in the county; about 1000 bearing Apple Trees, and fruit trees, a tolerable good dwelling house, and necessary out houses. -Any person wishing to purchase; may know the terms by applying to me. 
Joshua Leatherer.
November 29th, 1804

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Was Committed
To the jail of Stafford county, sometime in the month of August last, a Negro Woman, who calls herself 
Who says she was manummitted by the late Robert Carter; she is about 5 feet, 6 or 7 inches high, supposed to be about 30 years old. The owner ([[of?]] a slave) is desired to prove his property, pay charges, and take her away, or else she will be disposed of as the law directs. 
B.Ficklin, Sheriff & Jailor
September, 8th, 1804

Five Dollars Reward.
Lost, on Monday the 12th of this month, between Mrs. Elizabeth Dulaney's and the Goardvinefork, in Culpeper County, a RED MORROCCO POCKET BOOK, which contained a small sum in silver, a note on Mckenzey Beverley, for Eighty pounds, dated the 5th November 1804. payable in 90 days. A note on Robert Cowne, dated the 19th day of March 1804, on demand, and sundry other papers which can be of no service to any other person but myself Any person who will return the Pocket Book with the contents when lost, shall receive the abovereward. 
Braxton Dulaney.
November 20, 1804.

To Rent, or Lease,
A Very valuable PLANTATION in Westmoreland county, near the mouth of Mattox Creek, between the lands of the late Mr. John Washington and Mr. John Payne, containing near 600 acres.-This land belongs to Mr. James Bankhead who has lately left this country for Europe  It is perhaps among the most valuable tracts of Land on Potomac river, of its size, and with proper cultivation, its production may be very great.-It will be leased to any person of good reputation and responsibility for not less than three years, for a certain sum payable in money on the 1st day of January in each year-The Land is level of admirable soil, and remarkably well suited for the cultivation of Corn, Wheat, and Tobacco. Fifty or sixty bushels of excellent Wheat will be in the ground in all this month, which may be had with the farm, the person renting or leasing it paying a fair price for the feed, and the labor of putting it in the ground. For terms apply to Stuart Bankhead, Esq. near the premises, or to me in Port. Royal. 
Thomas Magruder.
October 16th, 1804
Finding, from a combination of circumstances, that his removal to Fredericksburg the ensuing year would be attended with almost insurmountable difficulties; begs leave respectfully to acquaint the citizens of that place, and the public, that he has declined it: and of course, his School as contemplated in partnership with Mr. Spencer cannot take place. His is pleased however with the reflection, that Mr. Spencer continues to offer his services as a Teacher. 
Caroline, Nov. 12, 1804.              3.

For Jaundice,
And Bilious Complaints.
Wheaton's genuine Patent Bitters, 
PRICE ONLY 50 cents,
Secured to him by Letters Patent from the President of the United States.
   A MEDICINE extremely useful and efficacious to curing jaundicy and bilious disorders, and removing that sinking, faint and distressed feeling at the stomach, difficulty of breathing, loss of appetite, and sleepy, dull heaviness in the forepart of the day, weakness and tremblings of the limbs, dizziness of the head, and yellowness of countenance, complaints so common to jaundicy and bilious people.
   Also removing obstructions of the bowels, and of urine, [[chelicy?]]  complaints, pukings & purgings, indigestion, sick headache, rheumatic complaints, &c. which arise from a collection of sour, bilious matter in the stomach, and at length restoring the constitution to strength and vigor.
   They are also found very useful to carry off worms, and to cure ricketty children, and may be used with safety in all constitutions, ages and sexes.
   The many cures that have been effected in New England, by the above medicine (as may be seen in the bills) prevent the necessity of further recommendation.
Wheaton's patent itch Ointment,
Price only half a dollar.
   The only medicine in the world which will certainly cure the ITCH, without having in it anything either dangerous or disagreeable: it being composed mostly of ingredients never before discovered or used in that disorder.
   One box cures a person, and there need be no washing after the use of it, as the skin is generally left cleaner and smoother.
Sold by 
David Henderson & Son. 
Blank Bonds & Penal Notes 
For sale at this Office

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Transcription Notes:
Removed NMAAHC accession number 2011.51.16 - NMAAHC staff