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a millionaire"  Tell him of Montrose selling Brandegees landscapes.  Tell him how fine Brandegee is, how much more of a man than a lot of these noisy New York painters.  Hale says "You know my dear old father (Ed Emett Hale) was on a committee to get a portrait once & he went around to see the N.Y. painters with Joe Choate and he said to me 'They seem to me like a lot of tradesmen.'  Show Hale photo I just got from Daniel of S Halperts Toledo Cathedral & H agrees with me its very good.  H asks me what I think of Bellows.  I tell him.  He says "He's sort of an illustrator." 
Saturday 12 Apr.  Stop at Knoedlers.  Charlie K standing in the lobby calls out after me "Do you ever read the Sun?" "That was a hot letter"  Charlie says Bellows "Widow" is gone to Paris for the Ex of Am 100.  Find Bellows has put up another widow.  Find Molasky in [[?their]]  Is it [[done?]].  Howard Giles comes over.  Says he gets very little chance to paint has to do black & white & teach.  Says he'd like to write about Weir for my paper.  Says he will do it  In morning I met George Ennis on 8th St & he asked me back to Salmagundi to have a drink  Find Vonnoh there.  Give him hell & he tells how the war killed his $25000 a year portrait business-limousine & all that  Feels much knocked out.  I tell him his group show lacked diversity.
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[[images -line drawings: two male heads; 1 female head; some other scribbles]]
Mowbray Clark
order [[butter?]]