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Friday 9th May

Saturday 10th May



  Tuesday 14 May.  Make 3 charcoal heads of Marie Apel resting the paper against her while she leans back on the couch.

   Wednesday 14 May.  Stop to see Cap Nave find his portrait of Texas woman very good.  Says "I hope [[to be?]] here when her husband sees it.

   Thursday 15.  Dickinson & Mrs Nave come in and Marie Apel calls to see Miss F & Mountfort so Miss F invites us all in  Mrs Nave declines and insists on Cap. keep going right out to dine with her.  Cap anxious to meet Marie but can't after Marie goes.  Miss F says we'll all have to go out to dinner so Mountfort does honors.  Dickinson has moved over to W 55th further.  Dine at Italian place with wine  Mountfort opens the adjoining studio to his own giving a fine big vista  Dickinson waiting to finish Tuesday

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NYPL Art Dep
         Anselm Feuerbach
           By Hermann Uhde-Bernays
1914 Im Insel Verlag, Leipsic
pictures to reproduce -
1  Self, bust without hat  boy
2  "[[ditto for Self,]] bust front looking down  young  small mustache
3  "  " [[ditto for Self, bust]] profile  dark coat  goatie  cigarette
4  Proff. Umbreit
16 Nanna profile bust leaves in hair hand
16  " [[ditto for Nanna]] 3/4 with fan
20  " [[ditto for Nanna]] 3/4 in black satin
24 Lucretia Borgia
32 Italian funeral
36 Tod Pietro Aretino
37 Temp. St Antony
49 Judgement of Paris
54 Badende Frauen  fine landscape
57 Dante mit den Frauen
58 Pieta
[[doodle]] 67 Im Frühling   6 women outdoors  very fine
71 Landscapes
72  " [[ditto for Landscapes]]  very fine

Künstler-Monographien    Feuerbach by Ed Henck 1909
37 Nanna in white 1/[[2?]]
38  " [[ditto for Nanna in white
47 Recordo da Tivoli    boy  & girl singing in landscape
52 Judgement Paris  fine 1/2 tone