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Bryant and a woman greets me very cordially.  All in all seems as if the house of Knoedler was going to do something for the paper.  At 6 stop to see Miss Sahler who says she lost two bronzes in Phda.  Says she'll send her subscription.  Left copy with Teresa B who pays her subsc. and leave one for Molarsky.  Stop to see Mrs Peyton also pays hers.  Meet Mrs Molarsky on Fifth Ave and she thanks me for inscribing their first copy.  Leave copy for Dr Brinton at Players Club  clerk says he'll forward to Bs summer place.
   Saturday 24 May  Stop to see Landen & get photo of his Barge lion.  Stop at Capone's studio & C subscribes & pays.  Stop to see Thos B. Clarke also asks me into his office  he likes the paper says "You'll find later you'll want to make it a weekly.  Likes the color and arrangement of the cover very well  says he'd stick to the color as it will be easily recognized then.  Says he rents the office of the young men to whom he turned over the business of porcelain & 
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other collecting.  Says "I have still the Vaughan Stuart Washington."  I tell him of Townsend's luck with my Stuart letter and he looks up over his glasses very seriously and says "Is that so?"  I then mention his row with Knoedlers & a Mr Clarke says "What was the trouble I never knew."  So I tell him the story and he seems surprised.  Mr Clarke says "Well, I'll have the club (The Brook's) send you a subscription Mr B.  and when I go he says "Any time you want to see me if I'm not here call up the Club and you'll find me."  Talks very kindly and agreeably and [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] I think if I need help I could call on him.  If so then.

Sunday 25 May.  Over to Brooklyn to write some stuff for June number.  John comes in with his girl who says her uncle is manager for Knoedler.  I say who is that.  She says Mr Gerrity.  Really.  Tom Gerrity.  "Yes she says "he went in there as office boy and now he's one of the firm.  All his children have motor