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slope but not far up not so bad a walk at all.  Fine view of hills from our hill nice location.  Could put a nice little house in the lots but would need them all.  Stop at Stevens office but he's gone.  Man there says Stevens only owns his own house but "he may have 'picked up' a lot or two down that way."  Must see about this.  Eve in Hartford  Stop at Tom Delaney's hotel.  Morning stop to see Dr Wright who subscribes.  Meet Dulce Green there.  Going out meet Airey who asks me up into the Art Soc. (Bunces old studio) to see his stuff.  Find his portrait of Miss Fanning of interest.  Get Kress to lunch & then meet Edda Duffy & Fred Low.  Pass through [[Conn New hill?]]  Find a big man in a light suit of clothes saluting [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] from one of the booths. Find its [[Fanny?]] Casland Secretary of the "Courant".  Fred how asks us over to see his building on Allyn St [[I watch to paper insurers?]].  He's agent for Man. of Comm. for [[fixed income is?]]  looks over my paper carefully takes paper but finds he cannot much improve mine though his relief vinish is clearer.  Says his brother John is coming up from New York tonight.  Says he'd like to see me.  Off for train thru right through to NY.  Thursday still very hot
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over to Brooklyn  Nan gone

   Friday. ^[[30 May]]  Decoration Day very hot, over to Brooklyn to get a suit of clothes   overcoat reached [[distant?]] the wind.  Find what I want twice in the overcoat and beyond for Cony Island beach full of Hebrews & [[skins?]]  Back late.  Saturday 31 still hot over beyond to [[igho?]]  still hot.  AM to ..
   Sunday 1 June.  Over to Nans - John comes in for a minute and some stuff for paper.
   Monday 2 June  Fierce heat  See Kevorkian & get check for 25  talk with Mowbray Clarke who is in his exhibition alone in the terrific heat.  Says Davies was in to see his show & [[?Remy]] Kerry is to take it to London: had been invited to Chicago.  stop at Ehrichs meet the Hartmans there  B looks quite fat, & Madame also.  Walter Ehrich looks very well and agrees to take 1/4 page through Summer for 75 for the 4 months.  Stop at Rehn's & see the Hassam [[Coger Q?]] are things [[?artisly?]] are hopping good cheerful in color very good.  Rehn comes in full of spirits says he'll get July photograph the middle one with the bright nude.  Ed Greacen comes in  says he's been in Europe in [[?Nth Cax]] - painted a lot of things there & could have a show.  Mrs Rehn comes in & sees [[Wolf?]].  Stop at [[Davis?]] & [[?Scrimmons?]] & get 25 from Nathan who says once June - and says you're the only man thats getting an adv. from us, or is going to.  John