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Twachtman pupils

   H C Cross at 16 ent. Ts class at League drawing blocks  T was called away.  C said to himself "I'll promote myself.  T will never know but I belong  So C promoted himself & set to work at Appollo  C figured T would be so impressed with his work he'd promote him to life class.  One day Twachtman returned.  The professor inquired about his work.  C replied casually as tho he was where he belonged - and waited sure of being transfered to life class breaking all records of the League  Twachtman was silent for some time. Then he said "Well, now we will get back to work.  We will return to blocks."

Ryder cow stream moon 
$300 dark chocolate blue in sky
very thick with varnish and cracked on [[underlined]] canvas [[/underlined]]

Authenticated on back by 
Jamse Fitzpatrick

[[end page]]

[[start page]]


NYPL Spanish 111us Encyc.

Copley  Juan Sing.    Copley
Juan Singleton Pintor ingles n. en Boston
(actualemente Estados Unidos) en 3 de Julio de 1737.  En se note los rudimentos de la pintura su padrastro Pedro
Pelham.  En 1774 pinto un lienzo titulado: nino con una ardilla, retrato de su hermanastro Enrique Pelham, obteniendo tan senlado exito en la exposicion de la Real Academia, que, a instancias de sus admiradores, de translado a Inglaterra en donde se instalo definitivemente.  Perfectionose en Italia trabajando en Parma y Roma siendo elegido associado de la Real Academia en 1776 y miembre effectivo en 1779 exponiento, en diversas occasiones un conjuncto de 43 cuadros: Dedicosa a la
pintora des retratos y assuntos historicos.  Sus principales obras, son las sequientes: Muerte de Guillermo Pitt, Conde de Chatham: Muerte del Mayor
Pierson en St Helier; et Sitio y socorro de Gibralter en 1782, Tuizos que se conservan en la Galerie National de honores y La Famillie Copley colleccion Amory, Boston.
Bibliogr. Magazine of Art Vol II. Londres 1878:
A. T. Pickins Sketch of Life and List of Works of J. S. Copley 
Boston 1873.
reproductions of Copleys Gibralter
and Retrato de una dama

Collecion, Liechenstein Vienna
[[image: inside a rectangle, woman from waist looking to right, flowing clothes, long hair pulled back at side]]

Transcription Notes: A. T. Perkins = Augustus Thorndike Perkins, A Sketch of the Life and List of Some of the Works