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Marvelous little creature on the trolley from Norwalk to Stamford.  Gets off at [[Tokemake?]] at switch near wagon yard at last line limit out of Stamford.  Marvelous, sits in front of me with two women. Smiles all the time and has a funny fetching [[Jalk?]] [[strikethrough]] [[lurid?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[hertch?]] of dainty nostril as she opens her heavenly [[moist?]] mouth and smiles.  Has a band of gold running over the bases of her upper teeth.  Her lower lip is her most tantalizing delight. 

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Thursday 4 September
Connecticut a paradise

I made the trip from [[Wrentham?]] to Hartford on the trolley Connecticut is [[glorious?]] in the early fall  Everything in full harvest.  Grapes hang in big blue clusters from long vines [[strikethrough]] placed [[/strikethrough]] near the road near enough to almost reach from the car.  At Charlies a young [[army?]] officer in uniform signalled the car to stop before the old Cheshire Academy.  I could imagine his pride as he returned to his old school in his uniform and the welcome he had.  Further along a great flock of little school children surrounded [[wrld?]] the car  hey were like a flock of birds standing outside the car in the sunlight their happy little faces raised to look in the [[strikethrough]] car wind [[/strikethrough]] open car windows.  When they flocked on to the car they seemed to fill all the crevices packing the aisle with a moving mass of blond curls and sun burned faces.  When they began to clamor for "transfers" and they pushed around the conductor all hands raised at once pushing in and out beyond each other just like a flock of little chicks around the [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] bowl of grain   After a time they began to get of in twos and threes at their homes along the line the beautiful little houses set off among heavy green trees. At [[Farthing?]] the car stopped in front of the Catholic [[strikethrough]] ecemetary [[/strikethrough]] cemetery Saint Marys Terrace a sunny bank of green surmounted by the figure of an [[strikethrough]] [[hearthe?]] [[/strikethrough]] angel in marble.  it just happened that as we stopped to look at this pretty resting place [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a figure in

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