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in black was passing along the green lawn at the foot of the hill    the figure of an aged priest in [[strikethrough]] black [[/strikethrough]] long plain black cassock and baretta.  The priest walked slowly with his breviary in his hand   the sun lighting up his [[strikethrough]] beautiful [[/strikethrough]] venerable head with its white hair ascetic face and deep set eyes screened with large espectacles.  Such a fine head as that of the English Cardinal Manning as etched by Alphonse Legros.  Further along we see [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] an episcopal church with its door bearing a post war placard with a figure of a minute man upon it.  Beyond we pass the [[strikethrough]] Bap [[/strikethrough]] white Baptist Church with its fine austere facade a[[strikethrough]]nd [[/strikethrough]] its little porch with the fine [[strikethrough]]white[[/strikethrough]]slender white fluted columns  All along this ride the scene is beautiful.  The weather has cleared and from the threatening clouds of the morning the sky has cleared and over the blue dome small puffs of small white cloud appear  The air is brilliant and cool early autumn air. At H I continue the ride to Farmington leaving the car at Knotts corner after a fine ride seated near a beautiful girl going home from her work in H.  On the old road the scene is heavenly   The recent rain has laid the natural red  gravel of the road and the heavy [[beautiful?]] green trees shut in the way along up the 

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Finyk   The War garden   Cloud & sky  big meadows
        White birches
        Port in the Winds  Spring

Betts opposite kiosk corner of State St
[[Swichshg?]] attorney over Goodwins
                  Betts says City Storage would keep [[hemp for months?]] or 7 years according to Finyk
                  Now he says that the [[underline]] pictures were in constables hands and were to be sold. and the sale would be announced in the papers. [[/underline]]
    Betts says that everything he was personally stored.

mountain.  Everything is quiet and the sun lowering in the west glazes the green with a warm pervading amber.  I think of the old days of all the years when I passed alone along this road with thoughts of Gianna whose beautiful home is the goal of it.  Blessed Gianna After all the years now in this quiet wood she comes back to me.  I see her ^[[over]] all those years  the bright-white vision passing among the trees  Heavenly Gianna.  this is the day of your own.  On up the mountain road then turning in to Giannas.  Down [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] to the west and up over the cedar crest and past to the two white [[areas?]] that guard the rest of Gianna