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-window would father come to the door and enter.  All was over then.  All was over then.  Oh god why is it I should comprehend all this sorrow & be so [[strikethrough]] powerfull [[/strikethrough]] powerless  to help.  God help us.  Mother's life oh never shall I forget that sorrow after all those years of truest care for us.  How bare seemed all the world with father gone & mother left alone.  I can see mother now through the years back in the old house sitting by the window with the sun streaming through the white lace contains she kept so nicely in the front windows.  The sun streaming in and mother sitting with her shawl about her looking out upon the sunlight all the days upon days that father was away watching for the days out of years that he should come back to the home from his work long miles away.  God bless dear mother.  If ever I could do ought to give her heart a [[strikethrough]] bit [[/strikethrough]] little of happiness but how careless was I. how proud was I and all the time I cared so 

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much and felt so much the need to give her ease and just so powerless to do so.  What holds me down.  What holds me back.  God help us. or God blesses mother, dear true mother. [[strikethrough]] [[illegible]] [[/strikethrough]] God blesses mother.  Dear God blesses mother. 

Transcription Notes:
what an interesting mistake to initially put "powerfull" rather than "powerless" above