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   Sunday 23 Nov  over to Brooklyn see Nan off to be married.  Her new husband calling for her  Says she'll stop in Hartford to see mother.
   Monday 24 Nov  drop into Babcocks  no Goodwin  Met Eddy of World who rushes for my Roosevelt.  Says he likes my Architect  Higgins & Miss Rio  go in to gall. as I stand out in the front with Babcock.  Miss Rio & Higgins call into me that they admire my portrait of Mason.  Go in there & Higgins says "Thats a great portrait  its as fine a portrait as he's seen  exhibited in New York."  Miss Rio says "Its great Mr Britton  its great."  Then she says But that portrait of you by Mr. Dickinson is terrible.  It looks like a dead man.  Why did he do it.  Why you have no such color as that.  Its ghastly.  Comes back to my Mason & continues to say fine things of it.
   Tuesday 25 Nov.  into Babs at 6  no Goodwin  Babcock says "You have no right to be fooling with a paper when you can paint like that.  You ought to be painting pictures."  I say nothing.  But suggest doing him as he sits against the red velvet.  He says "You do it just like that one in the other room.  I wonder at Babs sudden [[outburst about me?]]

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he hasnt said anything before.  Stopped in Milch's & get check for 100 for advs.  Mrs. [[Raklman?]] says Paul Schulz of Chicago bought the Weir on my cover & wrote to say he heard it was reproduced.  Says he'll subscribe.  Up in the same show meet Nisbet who has his [[surly wail?] with him  Introduced Dan Gerber who disclaims any responsibility for Burnsteins Cabot  blames Dangerfield.  Nisbet says I wouldn't give a cent for all the Burnsteins from this end of the wall all the way around.  Nisbet is full of [[Catyroz?]] remarks on his [[things?]] at Molloys Madison Gall Next door.  Down stairs Milches Al & Ed show me a Whistler lithe girl they've sold & give me photo.  Also two Weirs that look poor to me.  Franzer comes in boorish as usual  attempts some suggestions on my paper  I combat him as everyone.  We go out together he offers me a drink at druggists but I go in to Madison  Molly [[guiled?]] down with a few cards.  It's more [[Funding?]] worse than Bak.  He says 750 for Crane.
Wednesday 26 Nov.  At printers near Brooklyn  John alone  phone rings and Carol says Ern has wired of mothers death.  Poor dear mother. finally rested. &