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      Macbeths Art Notes 1911 says M gave Robinson ex in 1895  critics praised but only one p was sold  That to a pupil of R  33 ps in ex.

Studio 1890 note
    Robinson won Webb prize "Winter Landsc."  "Snow-Time" pastel  French farm house.  Letter of M. Esteyne attacks Robinson
         XX                  XX

   Thurs 18 Dec

   Friday 19 Dec

   Sat. 20 Dec   See Hoppin at Library who insists on buying a cake at Cushemans to send to the family.

   Sunday 21 Dec

   Monday 22 Dec

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           Theodore Robinson

Illus        Clippings  NYPL Art Room

Springtime  pen drawing 1881  Am Water Color Ex 82  full length [[strikethrough]] ploughman [[/strikethrough]] farmer with straw hat  upright  sharpening a scythe 9 X 18

[[image: 4 dots]] The Canal  Pa Academy   Pa Academy notes says
  "After Rs death artist friends purchased this and offered to Met. Museum. and it was turned down as not up in quality."  Pa. director at once grabbed it.
    Soc of Am. Artists  94

[[H?]] On the Towpath   boy & horses
       lent to Buffalo Mus by Silas Dustin.

Girl & Cow   Met Museum

A Canine Patient  little girl & dog  Am Watercolor '83

Normandy Interior  Woman at stove

December Landsc.
     roofs in foreg.  snow.  Am W.C. 1890

What the Daisy Says
  full length young girl in field   "  "   [[dittos for Am W.C.]] 1880

Winter Snow   woodcut Scribners

Doorway       "   "   [[dittos for woodcut  Scribners]]

Shepherd & Sheep "  "  [[dittos for woodcut Scribners]]
   very fine
[[image: a sketch of the Shepherd & Sheep painting]]

Duck Pond   Scribner proof gift.