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Sunday 21 Feb Stop at New Haven over night  Monday AM start for Hartford Stop of Furyks who tells me of the row against Voyane in the Soc. of Am. Artists.  Says he has a daughter 3 [[strikethrough]] month [[/strikethrough]] weeks old.  See some stuff he's painting.  Not very enthusiastic.  F pleased with the paper which has his portrait of Miss L in it.  Off to Brandegees to see how Folsom's Defly got along about Bs exhibition in NY which I arranged. Brandegee says "Funny little fellow  he's an Englishman isn't he?"  I say No, he's an Irish Englishman.  B says I didn't think of him as Irish, he wasn't bright enough.  The way he dropped his h's was very funny.  He dropped h's all over the house."  I ask B what they did  he says "He took some landscapes, but he didn't seem to want any portraits  said the landscapes were more 'salable.'  Funny  he selected the worst ones of the lot.  However we'll see what turns up.  B says Defly said they'd pay expences and take a picture to recompense them.  I say ought to sell for $300 apiece.  Mrs. Brandegee opens up again about [[Nawfad?]] Barney's picture & gets decidedly fresh about it.  Little Paul comes in and sits looking out the big music room window at the snow.  Says he sings in St Johns Church Choir of Boys.  Paul a thin little wisp of 12.  Brandegee says Mrs. M Flagg came and bought a head of B which they thought Montagu painted but it happens B painted it himself.

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Very good rich blond beard black hat flat rim in front some like this.
[[image: sketch of the painting as described by Britton]]
B says he did it many years ago.  B is rather feeble says he had rhumatiz and he seems to talk with an impediment probably due to shock.  Poor man.  He says "Its a funny world and artists are funny but when you get old you just don't care.  "What a strange crowd they are up in Hartford now.  They cut up with teas and all that.  Oh lala."  B says some years ago he gave the National Academy $600 and boldly they write to him to ask if they could keep it to get a new building after the fire.  B says "I wrote to them and told them if it was jest same I'd like to have it back."  [[strikethrough]] Stop at [[/strikethrough]] Brandegee likes the last paper of mine and thinks Flanagans head of Weir is great.  B mentions the Flagg bronze tablet and says he suggested Basket first & then Flanagan was to do it, and didn't like the idea  So it hangs I tell B I'll set Flanagan going on the subject.  Stop at Gerties  Meet Annie there who arrived just before it began to snow again.  Poor dear Annie.  There she sat in her black dress the last of our elders  Mother gone father and poor dear Annie left. to sorrow.  Yet she smiles continually to cover her breaking heart over mother's loss and holds Gertie's children and talks cheer 

Transcription Notes:
[[Nawfad?]] Barney might refer to Frank A. Barney (1862-1954) but I can't puzzle out Frank from the word before his name--thomasc