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Paid first year .   Copies delivered no 1 +
Paid renewals ..    issues no 2 ::
                           no 3 ||
                           no 4 *
                           no 5 ^

1 Randall Davey                 14th St
2 . Arnold [[Mountfount?]]      Sherwood Studios
+::||*^ 3 . Sidney & Dickinson  W 55
^ 4 . Alice Judson              Sherwood Studios
^ 5 . FK Detailles              Noank Conn.
6 . Phillip Little              Salem Mass.
^ 7 . Richard Kimbel            Warren Mass.
. 8 . Caroline Vault Bean       140 W 57
^ 9 . C A Hoppin                Worcester Mass
10 Mrs W C Fitler               W 11
^ 11 . Capt. Royston Nave       W 55 Texas
^ 12 Mrs HC Nelson              W 67
^ 13 . Prof. J H Niemeyer       New Haven Conn
^ 14 . Anne Goldthwaite         W 10
^ 15 W Granville Smith          Fifth Ave
+::||^ 16 . Eugene Higgins      Madison Ave
^ 17 . George Pearse Ennis      Maine
18 . Dr Edith Hickey            Brooklyn
^ 19 . Mrs AP Cooney            Brooklyn
20 . Mrs E W Allen              437 W 117
21 George Luks                  [[Jumel?]] Place
22 Arthur B Davies              337 E 57 
^ 23 August Franzen             Gainsboro Studios
24 Maurice Molarsky             39 W 67
25 Rob H Nisbet                 South Kent Conn

Transcription Notes:
I wasn't sure how to translate the symbols into type, but did my best. Here is an index to the names mentioned in the diaries. I wish I had found this many volumes ago: