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[[note in left margin]] deceased [[/note in left margin
81 S Montgomery Roosevelt         99 W 77
82 Susan Riches Knox
^ 83 Hayley Lever                 W 42
84 Bertram Hartman
^ 85 . H. Salern Hobbel           Carnegie Pittsburg
86 Fred.k Grant                   Chicago
87 Raymond Wyer                   Art Museum Worcester
88 . T V C Valencampt             East Gloucester
89 Miss Ellen Robert               " [[ditto for Gloucester]]
90 John W Robbins                 Farmington
91 . Mrs. C R Bacon               "The Elms" Ridgefield Conn
92 Caroline Dexter                210 E 17. apt 20
93 . Walter Griffin               Portland Main
94 Mrs. John Ellio
95 Boston Pub. Lib.
^ 96 . Eben F Corning.              Fenway Studios Boston
97 G Nortell.                      " " " [[dittos for Fenway Studios Boston]]
98 . Randall Hutchingson          Los Angeles.
99 Mrs. John Longyear             The Tarrace Brookline Mass
100John B. Yeats
101 John Flanagan                 Broadway
102 N E Montross                  Fitth Ave.
^ 103 . C H Dickinson             Montgomery Alabana
104 . Annie Walsh                 226 Dean St Brooklyn
105 Rev J Long.                   Brooklyn
106 Miss Lillian Jordan           Brooklyn
^ 107 . S. J. Woolf               154 W 55

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

108 Carlton T Chapman             Sherwood
109 Elizabeth Fenning             Hartford
110 Alethea Platt                 Van Dyke Studios
111 Cullen Yates                   " " [[dittos for Van Dyke Studios]]
^ 112 Salmagundo Club Lib.          Fifth Ave
113 F. Dickman
114 Robert Aitken                  W. 11th
115 Academy Art Shop [[Hanfstaengl?]]   W 57
^ 116 . Lena Merrick                Amsterdam Ave
^ 117 . Lieutenant Wallace        Care Marie Apel
118 James Smith                      " " " [[dittos for Care Marie Apel]]
119 . Rev. John J. McLaughlin        St. Brendans New House
^ 120 . John P Cooney.               Brooklyn
121 J. G. McManus               Hartford
122 . Thomas Connolly                Carnegie Steel Cl
123 Clinton O'Callahan               Hartford
124 Winifrid Sullivan                " [[ditto for Hartford]]
125 Jeane H. Grant.                  " [[ditto for Hartford]]
126 Oscar Anderson                   Gloucester
127 W E Atwood                        " [[ditto for Gloucester]]
128 W. J. Potter
^ 129 x x Mrs. Jas J. Boucher         Hartford
130 . Mrs. B Sinclair Lewis.
131 Fred. E Dayton                    E 18
132 Daniel Helion
133 Daniel Murphy.                    West Hartford.